Seven strange little characters are hiding in our territory... Can you find them?
Terra aventura is a treasure hunt for everyone! And the opportunity to discover our territory and the geocaching game, plunging into a captivating universe.
The tourist office has created 7 geocaching loops ideal for families, in St Raphaël, at the Savignac Lédrier forge, in the Auvézère gorges, in La Forge d'Ans, in the Cité de Clairvivre, in Coulaures and in Excideuil.
How does it work?
Boxes are hidden in nature. Discover their locations and the treasures they contain!
In the boxes live the Poï'z, small creatures with strong characters, present in the form of collectible badges.
It’s easy to find them. Choose a course, let yourself be guided, answer the puzzles and the trick is done!
1 - Download the app
It is free and easy to use.
2 - Choose your route
Select it according to its theme, duration, difficulty or proximity. Download the route data and get started.
3 - Go on the adventure!
Click on “Start”. With a few gestures, visualize your position on the map and walk from step to step. Easily enter the answers to the puzzles and the GPS coordinates of the box appear! Just let yourself be guided...
When you have found the box, write down your adventure and note the mystery word that is written in the log book.
Find more information about our loops in the dedicated section.